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Electric Vehicles (not only) save our future

EVs can also save lives here and now

Inspired by News Channels and Social Media

When the tropical storm Choi-wan swept over Taiwan in early June 2021, the electric Gogoro scooters glided smoothly through the water. Hardly possible for a vehicle with a combustion engine. Admittedly, water rarely gets into the fuel supply of such an engine. The air filter is much more likely to flood. Most likely, however, the engine is no longer working because the exhaust is no longer free to get rid of the combustion residues. Electric Vehicles (not only) save our future – EVs can also save lives here and now!

A video by Sanzhar Altayev shows that not only electric scooters successfully fight their way through high water. In an emergency, you can swim through a flooded street with a Tesla, while vehicles with a combustion engine are on the left and right to lie down. Have a look at the video here.

To drive or not to drive, that is the question
Electric vehicles (not only) save our future but can be of great advantage for emergency services. They ensure an uninterrupted basic supply even under the most adverse circumstances. We believe the benefits of electric vehicles don’t end here. Think about it and let us know.

Read more on our blog about How Electric Vehicles can save lives and how countries are getting more In Line with Nature.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Julian Ucros

    There is a huge opportunity here for what I call EEVs (Electric Emergency Vehicles).

    Not only the fact that electric vehicles can drive through flooded areas, but also have a lower center of gravity, due to the battery weight in the underbody of the vehicle.

    This can help road safety and patient treatment in ambulances.

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